Folder permissions

Easily view and manage folder permissions so that users can access ONLY the folders you want them to access.

Folder permissions

To see who can access a folder, enter or select the folder and click the Permissions icon in the Toolbar.


You will now see at a list of the users that have access to this folder (including sub-folders). You can change, add, or remove their folder permissions directly from this menu. Choose between:

  •  View only
  •    View & Download
  •   Upload & more, or
  • Remove. 

To add and manage users click the MANAGE USERS button. This will take you to Admin > Users where many more user specific actions can be performed.

 View only = The user will be able to view this folder and its content. But will not be able to download or upload files.

 View & Download = Besides viewing this folder and its content, users can also download from this folder and subfolders.

  Upload & more = In addition to viewing and downloading this folder and its content, users can also upload to this folder and subfolders. This is the default folder permission for all new users.

Remove = The user will no longer have access to this folder.

TIP: If any of the folder permissions icons (   ) are greyed out, it is because the user has access through a parent folder. Hover the icon to see which folder the permission can be altered from.
Important: If no folders are listed in the Folder Permissions window, only Administrators will be able to access the folder.

Add & invite users


See how to add a user, give the user access to a folder, and send the user an invite.

More videos

Bulk add & invite users


How to add and invite multiple users to your account.

More videos

TIP: Folder permissions can also be managed from Admin > Users. See how.

NOTICE: Only Administrators and users with the admin permission to "Manage users", can view and manage folder permissions.